"What is a woman???" In the last 12 months, it is almost guaranteed you have heard speakers and influencers wrestle with this question!
Understanding biblical womanhood is crucial in today's world, where womanhood is under heated attack from all directions. In this time of contention, we can look to the scriptures to learn what God says about womanhood.
In this article we'll explore the portrayal of women in the Bible, highlighting their purposes and roles, virtues, and spiritual significance. By examining these key verses, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the biblical foundation for womanhood, which emphasizes dignity, value, and purpose.
We think you'll go away from this with satisfying clarity about the role of women and how the bible pays homage to them.

Creation and Purpose
The Bible begins with the Creation, which is where we can start to learn about womanhood.
Genesis 1:27
Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." This verse emphasizes that both men and women are created in God's image, highlighting their equal dignity and intrinsic value. This foundational truth asserts that women possess the same worth and honor as men, reflecting God's character and attributes.
Genesis 2:18-23
Genesis 2:18-23 details the creation of Eve, where God declares it is not good for man to be alone and creates a suitable helper for Adam. Eve's creation from Adam's rib signifies her role as a helper and partner and emphasizes the significance of companionship and partnership. This passage shows the complementary nature of men and women, designed to support and complete each other, and work together in fulfilling God's purposes.

Roles and Responsibilities
The next aspect of womanhood that the Bible teaches about involves their roles and responsibilities.
Miriam was an important player in leading the Israelites during their exodus, and Deborah was able to lead and deliver her people from oppression through qualities like knowledge, courage, and faith. Priscilla was a strong teacher and mentor to younger and new believers in the early days of the church, which is an example of the intelligence of women. These examples illustrate the significant impact women had as leaders and influencers in biblical times.
Another significant role women have is to be a loving wife and mother for their families. Proverbs 31:10-31 depicts the ideal woman as a diligent wife and mother who manages household affairs, engages in commerce, and nurtures her family with patience, wisdom, and kindness. Her character is marked by strength, dignity, and fear of the Lord, making her a blessing to her household and community. Titus 2:3-5 instructs older women to teach younger women to love their families, be self-controlled, pure, and kind, and to manage their homes to foster strong familial bonds and faith-based values.
Virtues and Qualities
The Bible teaches about many qualities that women should strive to obtain over their lifetime. Here are some important qualities the Bible mentions:
Inner Beauty and Modesty
1 Peter 3 encourages women to focus on inner beauty, rather than focusing on outward adornment from others. This passage emphasizes the enduring value of character over appearance. Similarly, 1 Timothy 2 highlights the importance of modesty in dress and adornment, coupled with good works that reflect a woman's devotion to God and her community.
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Love and Submission
Ephesians 5 instructs wives to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, reflecting the church's submission to Christ. This submission is rooted in mutual love and respect, and promotes harmony and unity within marriage. Colossians 3 calls for wives to submit to their husbands, echoing the relational dynamics that honor God's design for marital roles, fostering mutual respect and partnership. These teachings showcase the biblical principles of love, humility, and mutual submission in cultivating healthy relationships and honoring God's purposes for marriage.
Examples of Godly Women
Here are three of the best examples of Godly women in the Bible that we can look up to:
Ruth exemplifies loyalty and faithfulness in her commitment to Naomi, her mother-in-law. Ruth's famous declaration in Ruth 1 reflects her unwavering loyalty to Naomi and her people, choosing to embrace Naomi's God as her own and remaining steadfast in her commitment despite hardship.
Esther demonstrates courage and leadership in the face of great peril. Esther 4 captures her pivotal moment of decision, where she risks her life to save her people by approaching the king unsummoned. Esther's leadership is marked by her reliance on God's guidance and her willingness to take bold action for the sake of others.
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Mary's obedience and devotion are highlighted in Luke 1 when she willingly accepts God's plan for her life, despite the uncertainties and challenges it brings. Her humble response, "Let it be to me according to your word," illustrates her deep faith and submission to God's will, setting an example of obedience and trust in God's providence.
These women exemplify various virtues—loyalty, courage, leadership, obedience, and devotion—that are integral to biblical womanhood, and they inspire believers to emulate their faith and commitment to God's purposes.